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Formative & Summative


Following the first-stage consultation on the Curriculum Statement, the second-stage consultation will focus on the methods of assessment.

​The summative assessments, namely the MRCPCH Clinical Examination (the intermediate examination) and the Exit Assessment after higher training, will remain unchanged in the proposal. Please refer to the College website for details.

The Working Group proposes four formative assessment tools at this stage, namely 

(1) Directly observed procedural skills - DOPS

(2) Case based discussion  - CbD

(3) Mini Clinical evaluation exercise - MiniCex

(4) Paediatric Multisource Feedback - PaedMSF

Formative Assessments

These are assessments during a training process, usually done multiple times.

They provide feedback to  the student and guide the learning process.

The act of assessment also creates learning opportunity for not only the student, but also the teacher as well.

Formative Assessment Frequency.png

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