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Directly Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS)

What is DOPS?

DOPS is a workplace based assessment when a trainee's performance of certain procedure on a real patient or in simulation is directly observed and adjudicated. Feedback is given on the various aspects of the procedure. A trainee would be credentialed to be an independent operator of the procedure if the assessor is satisfied of the skill.

How long does an assessment take?

It depends on the procedure. Generally feedback will take an additional third of the procedure observation time. (Wilkinson et al 1998 Medical Education 42(4):364-373). Usually it can be done in 20 minutes or so.

How many times need it be done?

DOPS of a certain procedure need not be repeated once the trainee has been credentialed as an independent operator.

How is DOPS documented?

Please download the form below.

Which domains does DOPS assess?

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